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Winnipeg cops execute morning raids in interprovincial organized crime investigation

Winnipeg police aren’t ready to release the full details yet, but an ongoing investigation has led to a swath of police activity across the city Wednesday morning.
Insp. Elton Hall says over a dozen arrests have been made in areas including St. James and Sage Creek, and have connections to organized crime.
The investigation, which police have referred to as ‘multi-jurisdictional’, extends well beyond the confines of Manitoba.
“Our operation included the Vancouver police in British Columbia, Hamilton Police Service, Toronto Police Service, Halton (Regional) Police Service, the O.P.P., and Peel Regional in Ontario as well,” Hall said.
Hall said the first set of search warrants were executed around 5:30 a.m., with additional searches after 7 a.m. Winnipeggers may see additional police activity throughout the day as well.
Charges have yet to be laid.
